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Les Patineurs (waltz)

Les Patineurs Valse or The Skaters' Waltz or Der Schlittschuhläufer-Walzer (German), Op. 183, is a waltz by Émile Waldteufel.

Known in English as The Skaters' Waltz, it was composed in 1882 and was inspired by the Cercle des Patineurs or 'Rink of Skaters' at the Bois de Boulogne in Paris. His introduction to the waltz can be likened to the poise of a skater and the rapid runs invoke scenes of a wintry atmosphere. The other themes that follow are graceful and swirling. Bells were also added for good measure to complete the winter scenery. It was published by Hopwood & Crew and was dedicated to Ernest Coquelin who was the younger brother of two celebrated actor brothers of the Comédie Française.

The overall key is A major. Among the subsections (Introduction - Waltzes 1, 2, 3 & 4 - Coda) the key alternates between the tonic (A major) and the subdominant (D major).

 \relative g'' {
  \new PianoStaff <<
   \new Staff { \key fis \minor \time 6/8
    \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
     \tempo "Andante." 8. = 64
    r2.\p r4 r8 r r16 \ottava #1 \set Staff.ottavation = #"8" e'32_\markup { brillante. }( fis gis a b cis d16) \ottava #0 r r d,32( cis b a gis fis e16) r r \ottava #1 \set Staff.ottavation = #"8" e'32( fis gis a b cis d16) \ottava #0 r r d,32( cis b a gis fis) e\ff([ fis gis a b cis d cis b a gis fis] e[ fis gis a b cis d cis b a gis fis])
   \new Staff { \key fis \minor \time 6/8 \clef bass
    e,4. b4 b8 e,4.~\fermata_\markup { a tempo. } e8 r16 \clef treble gis''32( a b cis d e fis16) \ottava #0 r r fis,32( e d cis b a gis16) r r gis'32( a b cis d e fis16) \ottava #0 r r fis,32( e d cis b a) gis([ a b cis d e fis e d cis b a] gis[ a b cis d e fis e d cis b a])

Waltz 1
 \relative g'' {
  \new PianoStaff <<
   \new Staff { \key fis \minor \time 3/4
    \set Score.tempoHideNote = ##t
     \tempo "espressivo." 2. = 64
    cis,,2.\p( e2 fis4) fis2.~ fis d2.\<( fis2 gis4\!) gis2.~\> gis\! b\p( a2 cis,4) e2.( <d fis>2 cis4) <cis gis'>2. <b gis'> <a a'>~ <a a'>4 r r
   \new Staff { \key fis \minor \time 3/4 \clef bass
   a, <e' a> <e a> cis <e a> <e a> b <d e gis> <d e gis> e, <d' e gis> <d e gis> b <d e gis> <d e gis> e, <d' e gis> <d e gis> cis <e a> <e a> cis <e a> <e a> fis, <a' fis cis> <a fis cis> fis, <a' fis cis> <a fis cis> b, <a' fis d> <a fis d> b, <a' fis d> <a fis d>e, <d' e gis> <d e gis> e, <d' e gis> <d e gis> a <cis e> <cis e> <cis e> r r

