Awkward is an American teen sitcom series created by Lauren Iungerich currently on MTV. The show's central character is teenager Jenna Hamilton (Ashley Rickards), who struggles with her identity, especially after an accident is misconstrued as a suicide attempt. The second season began on June 28, 2012, and finished on September 20, 2012. Season 3 premiered on April 16, 2013. Season 4 premiered on April 15, 2014. A Season 4 midseason finale premiered on June 17, 2014. The second half of Season 4 aired on September 23, 2014. On October 8, 2014, MTV announced the renewal of the series for a fifth season. It has not been confirmed whether MTV will be renewing the show for a sixth season. On social media, the producers and cast have encouraged fans to tell MTV that they do want the show to continue for season 6.
As of May 24, 2016[update], all 89 original episodes of Awkward had aired.
Winter Break is heading to an end, that is not until after a New Year's Party at Matty's house. Jenna thinks that Matty is completely over her until he says he wants another chance. So Jenna has two options:
On July 16, 2012, Awkward. was renewed for an extended third season of 20 episodes. A promo was released March 11, 2013, which revealed that season three would begin on April 16, 2013 with a double bill. The season took a break after episode 10 aired on June 11 and returned on October 22. This season is the last to feature creator Lauren Iungerich as showrunner.
Jenna still feels guilty about losing Val's job, so she seeks to make amends. She enlists her mother's help to get Val to attend the school hearing and raise support for Val. Meanwhile, it's prom season at Palos Hills and Jenna is convinced that Matty will ask her in the midst of their renewed friendship. Ming faces a coup d'état from the Asian mafia when former leader Becca returns.
Jenna is upset when Matty asks Bailey to prom. She finds solace in a self-discovery novel that was written by none other than Mr. Hart. In a moment of selflessness, Jenna gets Bailey and Matty to go to prom together, despite her still longing for Matty. Meanwhile, Jake insists on picking out his own tux and Ming struggled to tell Fred that she is not ready for sex. Sadie finds herself falling in love with Austin. Jenna finishes her final creative assignment and attends prom alone and happy.