Ben Casey is an American medical drama series which ran on ABC from 1961 to 1966. The show was known for its opening titles, which consisted of a hand drawing the symbols "♂, ♀, ✳, †, ∞" on a chalkboard, as cast member Sam Jaffe intoned, "Man, woman, birth, death, infinity.". The series starred Vincent Edwards, Sam Jaffe, Bettye Ackerman, Jeanne Bates, John Zaremba, Franchot Tone and Harry Landers. This is a list of episodes for the medical drama Ben Casey.
Also Starring: Suzanne Pleshette as Carolyn Stanley
Template:Episode list (credited as
Also starring: Lee Kinsolving as Terrence Dunne, Jr.
Dr. Casey must deal with two patients who attempt to self-diagnose their illnesses: Joan Lloyd