Twelve new Housemates entered the Big Brother House during Launch Night on the 2013 series of Big Brother Australia. Two housemates, Jade and Drew, entered on Day 2 pretending to be a married couple, then on Day 8, new housemates Rohan and Katie & Lucy entered the house. On Day 59, two housemates, Nathan and Justynn, came in the house as male intruders. A further two female intruders entered the house on Day 64, Madaline and Boog.
Benjamin 'Ben' Zabel, aged 30, entered the Safe House on Day 0 and was the fourth to enter on Launch Night. He was known for idolising Bert and Patti Newton. Ben was nominated for eviction on Day 16 after receiving 11 nomination points, and as a result, he had to move directly to the Halfway House. He survived this eviction on Day 22 after receiving 27% of the vote to save. Ben was up for eviction the following week. He was saved from eviction with 31% of the vote. In week 6 Ben was up for eviction due to the nominations swap. He was saved again with 24% of the Australian vote. On Day 50 Ben was 'Fake' evicted, and was removed to the presidential suite, where he spent 24 hours with out the other housemates knowing he was still in the house. After his 24 hours Ben returned to the house. As a birthday present, Bert and Patti Newton entered the house to spend an afternoon with Ben. On Day 73 Ben was the eleventh housemate to be evicted, shocking both the house and Australia. He received the most amount of applause from the eviction show crowd of all housemates evicted to date, as noted by Sonia Kruger; he was considered a frontrunner (along with Tim and Tahan) to win the show. He received 16.2% of the vote. On day 90 Ben returned into the house as Santa's elf to supervise Drew and Boog in Santa's workshop, which was a part of the weekly task. Ben then left the house.
Alex 'Boog' Roe, aged 23, entered the Big Brother House on Day 64 as the first female intruder. On Day 70 Boog was saved in the intruder eviction after receiving 55% of the votes to stay while Madaline was evicted however Nathan traded his spot for Madaline which meant that Madaline would stay and Nathan would leave the house. On day 74 Boog was nominated along with Tahan and Mikkayla and survived the eviction on Day 80 which shocked the house. She received 26.7% of the vote. Only 1.7% separated her from Mikkayla who was evicted. Boog was nominated in the following week along with Jade and Madaline. She was saved from eviction with 37% of the votes to save. On day 88 Boog survived being nominated for eviction along with Tahan and was guaranteed a spot in the final week. Boog was evicted on Day 99 as part of the Double Eviction determining the Final 3 housemates for 2013 after receiving just 3.8% of the votes to win. Boog placed in 5th position overall for 2013.