Blake's 7 is a British science fiction television series that was created by Terry Nation and produced by the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC). Four series were produced between 1978 and 1981, all of which have been released on VHS and Region 2 DVD.
Series 1 aired on BBC1, Mondays, mostly 7:15 p.m., 2 January to 27 March 1978, Producer: David Maloney. It averaged 9.22 million viewers on original airing in the UK, with an average chart position of 45.
Before the series starts, Roj Blake had been a resistance leader against the totalitarian Federation that had murdered his family. Instead of killing him as a martyr, the Federation erased his past and reprogrammed him into a content citizen. One day Blake is led outside the city dome by a friend who is really a fellow resistance member. Blake then attends an illegal meeting to protest the unpopular government policies where he is told of his past and what the Federation did to him. In disbelief, Blake walks off to think just as a Federation security squad arrives and efficiently shoots everybody down. As Blake witnesses the horror that unfolds, it re-awakes his suppressed memories. When the government finds out his memory has returned, he is arrested on trumped-up charges of child molestation and sentenced to the prison colony on Cygnus Alpha. Blake urges Tel Varon, a public defender at his trial, to dig deeper for evidence of his innocence. Varon hesitantly does so and learns the victims' statements were indeed fabricated. He then goes with his wife Maja, to the site of the massacre and records evidence of the slaughter. He and his wife, however, are killed by a Federation agent as they return to the city. Meanwhile, Blake is put aboard the transport ship London, and sent on his way to Cygnus Alpha. Along the way he meets the talented thief Vila Restal, and the smuggler pilot Jenna Stannis.
Blake is introduced to Kerr Avon, who used his technical prowess to nearly get away with five million credits from the Federation banking system. Knowing he has a good pilot (Jenna), a lockpick expert (Vila) and now a computer specialist (Avon), Blake devises a plan to hijack the London. He also gains the help of a physically imposing man, Olag Gan, who agrees to be his strong arm. When the London enters a battle between unidentified ships, Blake unleashes his mutiny plan but fails to take over. Later, the London comes upon an abandoned unidentified vessel and the first officer, Sub-Commander Raiker, persuades the captain to capture it for a salvage reward. Losing some of his men to lethal traps on the ship, Raiker sends Blake, Jenna and Avon in. Blake disables the trap and Jenna is able to control the ship, allowing their escape.