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List of Canadian military operations

Since 1947, the Canadian Armed Forces have completed 72 international missions. More than 3,600 soldiers, sailors and Air Force personnel are deployed overseas on operational missions. On any given day, about 8,000 Canadian Armed Forces members Royal Canadian Air Force, Royal Canadian Navy, and Canadian Army (one-third of the Canadian deployable force) are preparing for, engaged in or are returning from an overseas mission.

Below is a list of all currently active and past Canadian Armed Forces operations both within Canada's borders and internationally.

This section consists of Canadian Forces operations which are currently active, or conducted annually or on a periodic basis.

This section consists of Canadian Forces operations that are no longer active or on-going on an annual or periodic basis and are deemed complete.

This section covers past Canadian Forces operations that took place beyond Canada's borders. It includes peacekeeping operations as well as those through NATO and in participation with other allies.

