Cross Ange: Rondo of Angels and Dragons also known as simply Cross Ange is a Japanese mecha anime television series created and animated by Sunrise. The series, which aired on Tokyo MX, MBS, TVA, BS11 from October 4, 2014 to March 28, 2015, was produced by Sunrise, King Records, Fields, Bandai Namco Games, Bandai Channel and Bandai Namco Creative, with Yoshiharu Ashino serving as director, Mitsuo Fukuda acting as creative producer and Tatsuto Higuchi serving as the series organizer. The series was licensed by Sentai Filmworks for a digital and home media release in North America.
Four pieces of theme music are used. The first opening theme, titled "Kindan no Resistance" (禁断のレジスタンス Kindan no Rejisutansu?, lit. "Forbidden Resistance"), is performed by Nana Mizuki and the second opening theme is Shinjitsu no Mokushiroku" (真実の黙示録?, lit. "Apocalypse of Truth" or "Revelations of Reality") by Yoko Takahashi. The ending themes used with the respective opening themes are "Rinrei" (凛麗?, lit. "Cold Beauty") performed by Eri Kitamura and "Shūmatsu no Love Song" (終末のラブソング Shūmatsu no Rabu Songu?, lit. "Love Song of the End"), also performed by Mizuki. The insert song featured in episodes five, nine, and twenty-two is "Necessary", once again performed by Nana Mizuki.