The following is an episode list for the Nickelodeon animated television series titled Dora the Explorer. The show debuted on August 14, 2000 and ended on June 5, 2014. It aired on Nickelodeon's sister channel, Nick Jr., as well as Nickelodeon's preschool block, Nick Jr. Nick Play Date), and has also aired on Comcast's On Demand and CBS.
A pilot episode for the series aired on June 12, 1999.
Dora and Boots need to go to Coney Island if they want ice cream.
Dora and Boots must bring a basket of food to Abuela.
A bird mistakes Map for a stick and it's up to Dora and Boots to rescue their friend.
Map finds a magic cape that gives him superpowers. Now, using his new superpowers, Map must lead Dora and Boots to Dora's house so her father can show her a surprise!
Dora introduces Boots and the viewer to her older cousin Diego, an animal rescuer. Dora and Boots volunteer to help him when Baby Jaguar gets stuck by the edge of a waterfall.
Dora and Boots are playing in a magical place where fairy tale characters live: Fairy Tale Land! But when a mean witch casts a spell on Boots, he falls into a deep, deep sleep. The only way to break the spell is for Sleeping Boots to get a hug from a true princess. Can Dora become a princess and save Boots?
Note 1: This is the first episode that the Giant appeared.
Dora receives a Star Pocket from her Abuela and learns to catch the stars, but it stolen by a star-catching prince, thanks to Swiper who used the sticky tape to tape the balloon to it.
Swiper reveals his good side when he helps Dora and Boots to return a baby fox to its mother.
Dora and Boots rush home after learning that Mami is pregnant.
Dora tells a story to her family, her friends, and the viewer. In the story, her baby siblings are aboard a runaway stroller headed towards the Gooey Geyser. This wakes Dora's family up in a flash and they must quickly save the babies before it's too late.
Dora and friends form a team to win a race.
Boots is carried away by his kite and Dora and Diego must race around the world in order to save Boots.
Diego has saved animals, but now he's the one who needs to be saved because he accidentally ended up on a cliff when rescuing a vulture and if he falls off the cliff, he gets punctured by a large pile of cactuses!