F-Zero is a series of futuristic racing games originally created by Nintendo EAD and has been continually produced by Nintendo, although the company has let outside development houses work on some installments. The video game franchise has led to an anime series and a variety of merchandise.
The series casually centers on the F-Zero racer Captain Falcon and his talented racing and bounty hunting abilities as well as his encounters with the other F-Zero characters, ranging from superheroes and supervillains to cyborgs, mutants and aliens. Numerous characters were introduced in each completed installment of the franchises' video games with many of them appearing in multiple titles. The games are set in the 26th century, with the exception of F-Zero GP Legend and F-Zero Climax, which take place in a different continuity and are set in the 22nd Century. Each game revolves around the high-speed F-Zero Grand Prix races and the pilots who participate in them. Each character has their own unique vehicle and reason for entering the F-Zero Grand Prix. The winner of the Grand Prix receives prestige as well as a large sum of prize money.
Takaya Imamura was in charge of the character designs for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System games F-Zero and Star Fox. During the game's development, Imamura was surprised at the level of freedom he was given to design the characters and courses since this was his first game. The game's producer, Shigeru Miyamoto, called the F-Zero characters "seven heads tall" in comparison to the characters for Super Mario Kart, who are "three heads tall in order to suit the design of the karts".IGN claimed Captain Falcon "was thrust into the limelight" in F-Zero since he was the "star character". An eight-page comic was included in the manual of the original game that carried the reader through one of Falcon's bounty missions.