Gilmore Girls is an American comedy-drama television series created by Amy Sherman-Palladino. Sherman-Palladino shares executive producer duties with David S Rosenthal, Gavin Polone, Daniel Palladino. It is produced by Dorothy Parker Drank Here Productions, Hofflund/Polone and Warner Bros. Television. The show follows single mother Lorelai Victoria Gilmore (Lauren Graham) and her daughter Lorelai "Rory" Leigh Gilmore (Alexis Bledel) in the fictional town of Stars Hollow, Connecticut, a close-knit small town with many quirky characters, located roughly thirty minutes south of Hartford.
Between 2000 and 2006, the first six seasons of Gilmore Girls originally aired on The WB, before it later merged with the UPN to form The CW in 2006. All seven seasons are currently available on DVD in Regions 1, 2, and 4. Since the series premiered, it has averaged 5 million viewers per episode over its seven seasons. The series originally aired on Wednesday night at 8/7c during the first half of its first season before it was moved to Thursday nights on December 21, 2000. However, it was moved to Tuesday nights for the second season and held the time slot for the rest of the series' run.
The show placed No. 32 on Entertainment Weekly's "New TV Classics" list, and in 2007 it was listed as one of Time magazine's "All-TIME 100 TV Shows." The show is known for its fast dialogue with endless run-on sentences. Over the course of seven seasons, Gilmore Girls aired a total of 153 episodes. In October 2015, it was reported on TVLine that Netflix struck a deal with Warner Bros. to revive the series in a limited run, consisting of four 90-minute episodes.