Impractical Jokers is an American hidden camera-practical joke reality television series that premiered on TruTV on December 15, 2011. It follows the 4 members including: Joe Gatto, James Murray, Brian Quinn, and Sal Vulcano of the comedy troupe The Tenderloins as they coerce one another into doing public pranks while being filmed by hidden cameras. The pranks vary in different levels of easy situations to uncomfortable situations with strangers. After the challenges, the losing Joker(s) will get punished. On May 12, 2017, TruTV renewed Impractical Jokers for a seventh season, expected to air in 2018.
The Jokers pretend to be eccentric White Castle cashiers, gather signatures in Union Square for causes the other Jokers have written for them, answer tourist questions in Times Square, and act as Costco store employees.
The group is challenged to apply the most lotion to beach-goers, survey amusement park guests at Six Flags Great Adventure, grab as many groceries from other customers at a grocery store as they can, and pay the least at a frozen yogurt shop.
The guys try off-color techniques of impressing women while speed-dating and talk to patrons through a bullhorn they can't control. Later, they act as fortune tellers at a boardwalk and ask surprising questions of people in a pharmacy.
The troupe jokes with strangers on the street, invades beach-goers' towels, plays a humorous word game with customers at a grocery store, and acts as salesmen at a car dealership.
The Jokers act as reporters preparing an interview, caricature artists in a mall, and oddball apartment dwellers looking for roommates, and cut in line for Broadway show tickets.
The comedians provide information to pedestrians at the pharmacist's, broadcast the news from Times Square, get tips after giving uncomfortable massages to strangers at the boardwalk and make an attempt to teach a karate class.
The guys analyze handwriting at the mall, steal food from customers' plates at a buffet, teach foreign languages that they do not speak to prospective students, and dance with strangers at the park.