K.C. Undercover is an American television sitcom which first aired on Disney Channel on January 18, 2015. The series was created by Corinne Marshall and executive produced by Rob Lotterstein. The series stars Zendaya, Veronica Dunne, Kamil McFadden, Trinitee Stokes, Tammy Townsend, and Kadeem Hardison.
Guest stars: Trevor Jackson as Lincoln, Tony Cavalero as Wally, Ashley Fink as Reena, Ashlee Fuss as Juli
K.C. tries to tell her parents that Ernie is ready to be a spy, even though he is clumsy. They then introduce them to Judy, who is a robot disguised to be a 10 year old, and tell Ernie that K.C and their parents are spies. K.C. takes Ernie on a mission and does not tell Craig or Kira to prove to them that Ernie is ready to be a spy. He crashes a van into the museum because he was parked in a loading zone and the police told him to move it, but he did not know how to drive. At the end, he becomes a spy after he reroutes the GPS of the person K.C. could not stop on the mission to their home.
Guest stars: Charlie Robinson as Pops, Roz Ryan as Grandma, Diane Delano as Honey, Tony Cavalero as Wally
Guest star: Shainu Bala as Mikal
Guest stars: Tom Williamson as Prince Promomomo, Erron Jay as Olu
Marisa turns in a paper report based on one of K.C.'s recent missions, not realizing that it could blow K.C.'s cover as a spy. K.C. and Marisa then try to get the paper back from her teacher, Mr. Forman. K.C., disguised as a substitute teacher, goes into the teacher lounge, but is unsuccessful in retrieving the paper. Agent Beverly keeps calling K.C. to ask for the report and later disables her spy equipment until K.C. gives her the report. Meanwhile, Judy's robotic friend Trudy visits, but they get into a fight over who is a better robot.
Guest stars: Sherri Shepherd as Beverly, James DiGiacomo as Petey, David Shatraw as Mr. Forman, Madison Horcher as Trudy, Jaime Moyer as Mrs. Goldfeder