These are the episodes of the French TV series Kaamelott.
All episodes are written and directed by Alexandre Astier unless otherwise noted.
Each season is referred to as a Book (Livre). Books I-IV are divided, in the DVD version, into two Volumes (Tomes). Each Volume corresponds to a physical DVD. For the earlier seasons, single-disk Volumes were issued separately and this publication was followed by a Complete or Collector's Edition (Édition Intégrale) which includes an Addendum of other material.
The order of the episodes on the Complete DVD edition differs from the broadcast order, and may be assumed to be the director's preferred order. The list below gives precedence to the Collector's Edition (Intégrale) DVD order.
The primary notation here is a three-part number (Book.Vol.Episode) which indicates DVD order using a Roman cap for the Book, Roman lowercase for the Volume, and Arabic numeral for the Episode. For Book V, the numbering is somewhat different.
* = original title definitely refers to the title of a well-known film.
These episodes are considered to be pilots or experimental episodes. Only two pilot episodes were broadcast, The Map and Family Meal. All the pilots are included on the Addendum disk for Book I, so they are numbered I.A. to indicate this disk.
I.A.1 - (0-0) : Dies irae (Dies iræ) "Day of Wrath" (name of a section of a Requiem Mass, and a famous Latin hymn). Original 14-minute festival film.
A session of the Round Table. Arthur is exasperated to find that, although proceedings are conducted partly in Latin, none of the knights knows Latin. The knights complain about their boring diet and ask for more green vegetables. Bohort proposes that, since the original Grail is so difficult to find, they commission one from a silversmith.
I.A.2 - (0-1) : Duel (Le Duel)
Arthur and Guinièvre become bored watching an endless fight between armored knights on foot. Eventually Arthur and his wife go to bed.
I.A.3 - (0-2) : Viking Invasion (L'Invasion Viking)
A pleasant spring day at Kaamelott is interrupted by a pair of Vikings, who are satisfied with minimal booty.
I.A.4 - (0-3) : The Pitched Battle (La Bataille Rangée)
Arthur and his knights observe and try to control their army from the sidelines. Merlin tries a fireball.
I.A.5 - (0-4) : Perceval's Romance (La Romance de Perceval)
Perceval and a young woman attempt to flirt but are not very good at it.
I.A.6 - (0-5) : The Funeral Of Ulfin (Les Funérailles D'Ulfin)
An attempt is made to ritually immolate the corpse of an older lord (Ygerne's contemporary), but he awakens and is still full of dirty jokes.
I.A.7 - (0-6) : The Female Knight (Le Chevalier Femme)
The new knight at the Round Table is a girl, but she wins acceptance. An envoy of the Pope arouses the knights' temper.
I.A.8 - (0-7) : Family Meal (Le Repas de Famille)
Arthur, Guinièvre, and her parents do not enjoy dinner together.
I.A.9 - (0-8) : The Map (La Carte)
Perceval attempts to understand how a map represents the field of battle and the locations of the enemies.
I.A.10 - (0-9) : The Repurgator (Le Répurgateur) – cf. Warhammer gaming and roleplay
A "Witchsmeller" character, representative of the Roman Church, tries to condemn Perceval and Karadoc for allegedly using magic. Arthur points out to him that Excailbur is magic and has him burned at the stake instead.
I.A.11 - (0-10): The Maze (Le Labyrinthe)
The Lady of the Lake explains to Arthur how to find a wonderful treasure in an underground labyrinth. Her directions do not prove very useful.