Maude is a television series created as the first spin-off of All in the Family featuring Maude Findlay (Bea Arthur), Edith Bunker's cousin, who appeared in two episodes of the latter series' second season.
The first season of Maude was previously released on DVD by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. In 2015, the complete series was made available in a large boxed set from Shout Factory.
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Carol and her boyfriend Chris (Fred Grandy) return from a camping trip and Maude has a dilemma which flies in the face of her purported liberal leanings; should her daughter sleep in the same room as her boyfriend or should he sleep out in the guest room? To make matters more complicated, Carol and Chris announce their engagement.
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Maude hires a new housekeeper from England, Nell Naugatuck. Maude and Mrs. Naugatuck get along well initially but clash when Mrs. Naugatuck insists on catering to Walter's every need since he is "master of the house," to Maude's disdain. First appearance by Hermione Baddeley as Mrs. Naugatuck.