The MegaMan NT Warrior anime series, known in Japan as Rockman EXE (ロックマンエグゼ Rokkuman Eguze) is produced by Xebec, is composed of five series entitled EXE, Axess, Stream, Beast, Beast+ and one feature film, Rockman EXE the Movie: Program of Light and Dark. The anime series began on March 4, 2002, in Japan, and EXE and Axess were subsequently adapted in English, airing May 17, 2003. There are no plans for English adaptations of Stream, Beast, Beast+, or the movie at the moment.
The episode releases in Japan are vastly different from the English ones in both aesthetics and content. In Japan, volumes typically contain three episodes (with the exceptions usually being the first volume in a series to contain two and the last volume to contain four). The Japanese volumes are also released in two not-for-sale "rental" formats, DVD and a VHS, but with identical contents. These versions have slightly different box designs. The DVDs were typically released once a month, but sometimes there were simultaneous releases near the end of a series.
For English releases, each DVD contains four episodes each (originally, the fourth episode was included as a special "bonus" episode with a separate menu from the other three episodes on the DVD). The first six volumes were also released in VHS format; however, they only contained three episodes each (skipping the fourth episode that appeared on the DVDs). Presumably, the VHS versions stopped releasing due to poor sales. The DVDs were originally released somewhat sporadically, but since Volume 5, a new volume had been released every January, April, July, and October in a tri-monthly pattern.
The Japanese DVDs typically contain the episodes themselves with occasional bonus material (such as clean intro sequences or special trailers), as well as (in some cases) promotional merchandise (like wristbands or playing cards). The English DVDs only provide the English-dubbed and edited episodes with optional Spanish voice-track, and they all come with the same bonus features (trailers of Mega Man Battle Network video games or promotional screens for merchandise). They also come with occasional promotional merchandise (like Battle Chips for the PET toys). Additionally, the episodes featured are the Canadian versions; in certain instances, the versions that aired on Kids' WB in the United States were heavily altered (including the combination of certain episodes into one) or were not aired at all.