The following is a list of individual episodes of the American animated television feature Rocky and Bullwinkle (1959–1964). In the original broadcasts, two Rocky and Bullwinkle segments were aired as part of each half-hour program, along with several supporting features and bumpers.
There is a difference of opinion regarding the titles famously used as teasers at the end of most Rocky and Bullwinkle segments to promote the next episode (e.g. "Don't miss tomorrow's exciting episode: Bullwinkle's Ride or Goodbye, Dollink"). Some sources, such as IMDB, use them as actual titles for the individual episodes. Others, however, regard them simply as each segment's final gag (most involve cultural references—sometimes rather obscure—and frequently dreadful puns) rather than as actual titles. While these titles are mentioned at the end of most episodes they never appear in or on the episodes to which they supposedly refer. NOTE: The episode titles used below are the titles used on title cards in syndicated versions. Indeed, while these titles invariably refer to the characters' predicament at the end of the segment, they often do not apply to anything that actually appears in the subsequent episode. The Rocky and Bullwinkle DVDs do not use these titles, referring to the individual segments simply by number. However, Keith Scott's The Moose that Roared, prepared in cooperation with Jay Ward's family and production company, does use them.
The first two seasons appeared on ABC as Rocky and His Friends. The last three seasons aired on NBC as The Bullwinkle Show. Today they are known collectively as The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show or simply Rocky and Bullwinkle. For legal reasons, current DVD editions title the reassembled programs The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends.