Mediacorp Channel 8's television series The Gentlemen is a family drama series produced by Mediacorp Studios in 2016. Three brothers with characteristics that trumpet the belief that men are from Mars are forced to understand the work discrimination that womenfolk face in their everyday jobs when they take on occupations that are perceived to be more feminine in nature i.e., a confinement nanny, ballet teacher and lingerie designer.
The show will begin airing on Mediacorp Channel 8 on 9 August 2016 with 20 episodes.
The three Zhang brothers come from a family of male chauvinists. Zhang Naiping (Chen Hanwei), the eldest, runs a maid agency. He and his wife, Zou Huimin (Cynthia Koh), are in the midst of divorce proceedings. The second brother, Zhang Nailiang (Pierre Png), is a ballet dancer, while the youngest, Zhang Naiyi (Aloysius Pang), is a student at an arts school. The family is at Naiyi’s graduation ceremony. Naiping and Nailiang quarrel over a seat and are sent out of the auditorium. Their mother, He Zhaodi (Jin Yinji), bemoans the death of her husband, Zhang Weida, who passed away half a year ago. She is sad he is not at Naiyi’s graduation. Nailiang idolises Xu Ruoqi, a dancer. When she picks him for an audition, he is elated. Naiping comes across a maid while she is being abused. Annoyed by the arrogance of the employer, he gets into a brawl with him. They settle their dispute at a police station. Caught up with her job as an insurance agent, Huimin pays no attention to Naiping’s injuries. She reminds him to tell Zhaodi about their divorce as soon as possible. Nailiang rents a place on his own. He is confident he will audition successfully and get to join Ruoqi in New York. Naiyi was traumatised by a man with red nails when he was young. Since then, he has had a fear of women whose nails are painted red. Naiyi forgets to withdraw money after retrieving his ATM card. Sally, who is in the queue behind him, chases after him to return his money. He goes berserk when he sees her red nails and hides in a lingerie shop. The lingerie shop owner is Wang Shengyi (Wang Yuqing). His daughter, Wang Kaixin (Carrie Wong), is nicknamed Princess A Class for her flat chest. She is able to tell the customer’s bra cup size by just looking at them. Naiping does not wish to divorce his wife but is too proud to admit it. On his way to the audition, Nailiang notices Su Meidai (Paige Chua), who is shooting a print advertisement. Watching her pose seductively while clad only in sexy lingerie, Nailiang trips over a cable. Meidai falls onto him, and the shoot is halted. During the audition, Nailiang becomes dizzy and faints while dancing. A debt collector turns up at Naiping’s office. Naiping refuses to entertain him, as it was his business partner, Gary, who obtained the loan. The debt collector vandalises the office. Naiyi reports for work at a fashion design company. Sally happens to be one of his colleagues, and tries to return his money. He is so traumatised by her red nails that he spills his beverage.