The Ultimatum (simplified Chinese: 双子星) was a Singaporean television drama series that was produced by MediaCorp Studios in 2009 and aired on MediaCorp Channel 8. Starring Zoe Tay, Fann Wong, Li Nanxing and Tay Ping Hui, the series was the first drama to be fully filmed in HD. As of 7 July 2009, all 30 episodes of The Ultimatum have been aired on Channel 8.
Ye Yuchen (Zoe Tay), the CEO of Phoenix Holdings, is involved in a murder case. She had planned to leave with her boyfriend, Zhida (Li Nanxing), but later decides to turn back to meet Fang Songqiao (Fann Wong), a woman born on the same day, month and year as she was. Songqiao agrees to meet Yuchen when the latter asserts that Zhida is with her. Her boyfriend, Sun Jie (Tay Ping Hui), decides to trail and protect her. Sun Jie shields Songqiao from Yuchen’s gun and is shot. Yuchen then points her gun at Songqiao.