This is a list of episodes of the 2009 Japanese animated television series White Album, based on the visual novel White Album by Leaf. The episodes, produced by Seven Arcs, are directed by Akira Yoshimura, written by Hiroaki Satō, and features character design by Kō Yoshinari based on the original concept provided by Hisashi Kawata. The story follows Tōya Fujii, a college student, and his relationship with his romantic interest and idol singer Yuki Morikawa, as well as his interactions with Yuki's senior, Rina Ogata. The first thirteen episodes began its broadcast on January 3, 2009 on TV Kanagawa Japanese television network, and is set to conclude on March 28, 2009. A second set of thirteen episodes was broadcast in Fall 2009. The episodes were also aired on later dates on TV Saitama, Chiba TV, KBS Kyoto, Nagoya Broadcasting Network, and the AT-X broadcasting networks.
Nine pieces of theme music were used for the episodes; two opening themes (also used as special endings), two ending themes and five insert songs. The opening themes are"Deep Love" (深愛 Shin'ai), sung by Japanese singer Nana Mizuki (eps 01-13, also ending of ep 13). and "Mugen (夢幻)", also by Nana Mizuki (eps 14 and after, also ending of ep 26) The ending themes are "Like Falling Snow" (舞い落ちる雪のように Maiochiru Yuki no Yō ni), sung by the Japanese singer Suara and "Akai Ito (赤い糸)", also by Suara (eps 14-25). The insert songs are: "Garasu no Hana" (ガラスの華) by Nana Mizuki (ep 3), "Koiirozora" (恋色空) by Aya Hirano (ep 24), "POWDER SNOW" by Nana Mizuki & Aya Hirano (ep 26), "SOUND OF DESTINY" by Nana Mizuki and "WHITE ALBUM" by Aya Hirano. A single for the first opening theme was released on January 21, 2009, and a single for the first ending theme was released on January 28, 2009.