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List of rivers of India

Bay of Bengal west moving along the Indian coast southward to Kanyakumari, then northward along the Arabian Sea. Tributary rivers are listed hierarchically in upstream order: the lower in the list, the more upstream.

The biggest major rivers of India are:

The remaining rivers are as follows:

The Meghna-Surma-Barak River System is located in India and Bangladesh.

Six Major Rivers Of Odisha (AKA Gift Of Six Rivers)

Godavari River in Maharashtra, Chhattisgarh, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh states

Main Tributary rivers in Maharashtra are--Right side tributary:-

-Left side tributary:-

Main Tributary rivers in Karnataka

The rivers flowing through three coastal districts of Karnataka join Arabian sea.

See also : List of rivers of Kerala

The rivers flowing through three coastal districts of Kerala to join Arabian sea.

Mandovi River, known as Mhadai in Western Ghats of Goa and Karnataka, has three sources: the Degao, the Nanevadichi Nhõi (nhõi means river in Konkani) and Gavali; the last two sources go dry in summer season. The main origin of the river, in the form of a spring, even during Summer season, is at Bavtyacho Dongor hills near Degao village in Khanapur Taluka of Belgaum Dist in Karnataka State.

The three streams confluence at the Kabnali village whereafter it is known as Mhadai, which has an easterly flow initially, then flows north and finally turns to the west on entering Goa. Mhadai River enters Goa between Krisnapur (Karnataka) and Kadval (Goa) villages. The tributaries of the Mhadai are the Nersa Nala, the Chapoli and Kapoli nala, the Bail Nala, the Volo Panshiro ( Karnataka), the Suko Panshiro, the Harparo, the Nanodyachi Nhõi, the Vellsachi Nhõi, the Valpoichi Nhõi, the Ghadghadyachi Nhõi, the Valvanti/ Volvot, the Divcholchi Nhõi, the Asnoddchi Nhõi, the Khandeaparchi Nhõi, the Mhapxechi Nhõi, Xinkerchi Nhõi etc. It is the longest River of Goa with a reported length of 105 km.

