The lithium–titanate battery is a type of rechargeable battery, which has the advantage of being faster to charge than other lithium-ion batteries. Titanate batteries are used in Mitsubishi's i-MiEVelectric vehicle and Honda uses them in its EV-neo electric bike and Fit EV. Opportunity charging in public transportation, such as large capacity electric bus project TOSA, is using the Titanate batteries high charging capability to partly recharge the battery in 15 seconds while passengers are disembarking and embarking at bus stops
A lithium–titanate battery is a modified lithium-ion battery that uses lithium-titanate nanocrystals on the surface of its anode instead of carbon. This gives the anode a surface area of about 100 square meters per gram, compared with 3 square meters per gram for carbon, allowing electrons to enter and leave the anode quickly. This makes fast recharging possible and provides high currents when needed.
A disadvantage of lithium-titanate batteries is that they have a lower inherent voltage (2.4 V), which leads to a lower specific energy of about 30-110Wh/kg than conventional lithium-ion battery technologies (which have an inherent voltage of 3.7 V).
Lithium-titanate batteries are reported to have an energy density of up to 177 Wh/L.
Altairnano produce lithium–titanate batteries under the "Nanosafe" line, mainly for battery electric vehicles. Some vehicle manufacturers which announced plans to use Altairnano batteries includes Lightning Car Company, which plan to use them for Lightning GT, an all-electric sports car,Phoenix Motorcars, in its electric sport-utility vehicles, and Proterra, in its all-electric EcoRide BE35 vehicle, a lightweight 35-foot bus.