Loring Daniel Dewey (1791–1867) was an early 19th-century Presbyterian minister, an agent of the American Colonization Society (ACS), an emigrationist, a printer, and a reformer.
The American Colonization Society was established in 1817 by a variety of national leaders, both from the North and South, to relocated free blacks from the United States to other countries, preferably Africa. In a pamphlet issued to promote its efforts, Dewey stated that colonization was the "only possible means of gradually ridding the United States of a mighty evil, and of obliterating the foulest stain upon our nation’s honor", referring to the presence of free blacks, reminders of the flourishing institution of slavery. Dewey believed that free blacks were a threat to the security and well-being of the United States, as he thought they could not be assimilated in the larger society. His confidence in the ACS plan was demonstrated in a speech in which he predicted that within 40 years, "all but the aged free blacks" would have immigrated to countries elsewhere in the world.
Some time in the early months of 1824, after failing to recruit enough potential emigrants for the west coast of Africa and lagging behind raising funds, Dewey dared to come up with another relocation plan. Dewey later confessed that Blacks had told him that they would prefer to move to Haiti, and even Whites said that they would be more willing to financially support relocation efforts on the island than on West Africa. So, without even consulting his superiors in the American Colonization Society, he approached the government of President Jean-Pierre Boyer of Haiti, who had hoped to encourage immigrants and establish ties with the US. In his letter, Dewey gave the impression to Boyer that he was indeed the "General Agent" of the American Colonization Society. Boyer, who knew well the political weight of the organization, was elated by Dewey's interest on Haiti. The President immediately sent judge and diplomat Jonathas Granville to the United States with fifty thousand pounds of coffee to begin the emigration project.