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Ludwig Mitterpacher

Ludwig (Ljudevit) Mitterpacher von Mitterburg (1734, Bilje – 1814) was a Hungarian agronomist, botanist, zoologist and entomologist.

Mitterpacher was a professor of natural history in Budapest working with fellow professor Matthias Piller (1733–1788). He wrote Elementa Rei Rusticae in Usum Academiarum Regni Hungariae Budae: Typis Regiae Universitatis, Anno MDCCLXXIX and M. DCC. XCIV( 1779 and 1794), a study of the theory and practice of agricultural science. and in 1783 with Matthias Piller Iter per Poseganam Sclavoniaeprovinciam mensibus Junio, et Julio Anno MDCCLXXXII susceptum.Regiae Universitatis, Budapest a 147-page work with 16 plates in which they described new species of Coleoptera and Lepidoptera.

