Luis García Montero (Granada, 4 December 1958) is a Spanish poet and literary critic, as well as a professor of Spanish Literature at the University of Granada.
Descendent of a granadino family that was very active in the community, Luis García Montero was born in Granada in 1958 as the son of Luis García López and Elisa Montero Peña, and studied at the Colegio de los Escolapios. As a teenager, he was a fan of equestrian sports and had the opportunity to meet Blas de Otero.
He studied Philosophy and literature at the University of Granada, where he was a student of Juan Carlos Rodríguez Gómez, a social literature theorist. He received his Masters in 1980 and later became a doctorate in 1985 with a thesis about Rafael Alberti, La norma y los estilos en la poesía de Rafael Alberti or The norm and styles of Rafael Alberti's poetry. He maintained a great friendship with Alberti, a poet of the Generation of '27, and prepared a compilation of all his works of poetry.
He began to work as an associate professor at the University of Granada in 1981. He received the Premio Adonáis de Poesía in 1982 for El jardín extranjero. He created a memoir of his studies in 1984 about El teatro medieval. Polémica de una inexistencia or Medieval theatre. Controversy of an inexistence.
He became linked to the poetic group La Otra Setimentalidad (The Other Sentimentality), a wave in which contemporary Spanish poetry took the name of its first joint book, published in 1983, in which poets Javier Egea and Álvaro Salvador also participated. The poetics of the group remained reflected above all in this short book and in lesser part in the his manifesto Manifiesto albertista (1982) by Luis García Montero and Javier Egea. Their personal trajectory began widening in what would later become known as poesía de la experiencia or poetry of the experience and is characterized by the general tendency to dillude the most personal I in the collective experience, furthering itself from the stylistic and thematic individuality of previous Novísimos authors; Garía and his group, however, tried to relate themselves with the previous poetic tradition taking in the postulates Luis Cernuda and Jaime Gil de Biedma and tried to unite the aesthetics of Antonio Machado with the thinking of the Generation of the '50's, as well as with Surrealism and the impactful images of Spanish Baroque poets or those of Juan Ramón Jiménez.