A men's chorus or male voice choir (MVC) (German: Männerchor), is a choir consisting of men who sing with either a tenor or bass voice, and whose music is typically arranged into high and low tenors (1st and 2nd tenor), and high and low basses (1st and 2nd bass; or baritone and bass)—and shortened to the letters TTBB. The term can also refer to a piece of music which is performed by such a choir.
Male voice choirs are commonly found in the United Kingdom, particularly in Wales, Cornwall, and Yorkshire. The names of male voice choirs sometimes use the abbreviation MVC, for example Castleford MVC.
Men have sung together throughout history. In the West, most music lovers will be familiar with monastic chanting such as the Gregorian chant.
In addition, men have come together to make music and enjoy the fellowship of others with a similar passion. Glee clubs became popular in the United States where men would sing in harmony, usually a cappela. Russia has a long tradition of men singing in the Russian Orthodox Church. Elsewhere in the world, such as in Wales, parts of the USA and Europe, male choirs arose from the late 19th century through to present times.
Male choirs (1st tenor, 2nd tenor, baritone and bass) even without trebles or boy sopranos have a slight advantage over women in that 1st tenors singing in the falsetto range of their voice can extend the range to encompass most of the range available to an SATB (soprano, alto, tenor, bass) choir. As a consequence 1st tenors sing a very different part of the chords in a piece of music, often moving above the tenor staff and using the falsetto. Arguably the most well-known male choruses are those in Wales, but there are highly skilled choirs around the world. Most male choruses today sing a wide range of music, including the traditional Welsh hymns but also choruses from opera, musical comedy and the popular genre.
An unusual offshoot of the male chorus is the barbershop genre. Barbershop singing uses unique and specialised arrangements and is nearly always unaccompanied.
Many of the modern Germany male choruses owe their origins to the Liedertafel groups which were very popular in the 19th and early 20th centuries, with some groups still singing.