The Malaysian Skills Certification System (Malay: Sistem Persijilan Kemahiran Malaysia) is a skills and work-based certification system in Malaysia that is achieved through assessment and training. Candidates can receive Malaysian Skills award if they meet the requirements of the National Occupational Skills Standard developed and regulated by the Department of Skills Development (formerly known as the National Vocational Training Council).
It is conferred as a formal recognised certificate to individuals who has shown capabilities that acquired or practised with competencies to do a task or work, which usually in the form of basic vocational skills. The criteria and standards of the Malaysian Skills Certification System are articulated with higher level qualifications to enable holders to progress from the level of semi skills, to skilled production, right up to supervisory, executive and managerial functions.
The Malaysian Skills Certification System was established in 1993 to replace the National Trade Certification System (Malay: Sistem Persijilan Pertukangan Kebangsaan) as part of a larger reform to streamline the higher and further education systems in Malaysia. The system was also eventually mapped to the Malaysian Qualifications Framework in 2007 providing a framework for the credit equivalency and transfer between the vocational education and training sectors and the higher education sectors.
There are currently 5 levels of awards in the Malaysian Skills Certification System:
The certifications can be earned through:
There is no minimum credit requirement for Skills Certificates and they are granted according to the assessed skills and levels attained.
The Malaysian Skills Certification System is classified according to the National Occupational Skills Standard into the following sectors:
According to the Malaysian Qualifications Framework, the Malaysian Skills Certification System is mapped to the following equivalents in the higher education and academic sector: