Manzoor Colony (Urdu: منظور کالونی ) is one of the neighbourhoods of Jamshed Town in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan.
There are several ethnic groups in Manzoor Colony and they include Muhajirs, Baltis, Punjabis, Sindhis, Kashmiris, Seraikis, Pakhtuns, Balochis, Memons, Bohras, Ismailis. There are nine sectors in Manzoor Colony A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H & I. Over 95% of the population are Muslims while there is also a small Christians and little Hindu population. The population of Jamshed Town is estimated to be nearly one million.
Manzoor colony was once a jungle where animals used to wander but first human settlement by Muazzam Ud Din Khan Niazi of Khaglan Wala, Isakhel in 1950s or 1960s made this area to live.It was once called Niazi Colony with a Chowk near Great Mosque Called Niazi Chowk but later name were changed after death of Muazzam ud Din Khan Niazi and his descendants moved to Khanewal, Punjab in 1990s.