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Marcus Appius Bradua

Marcus Appius Bradua, also known by his full name Marcus Atilius Metilius Bradua (Greek: Μαρκόν Άππιον Βραδούαν ) was a Roman politician who lived in the second half of the 1st century and the first half of the 2nd century in the Roman Empire.

Bradua was a member of the Atilia (gens). He was born, raised in a Roman family of consular rank that could have been of Patrician rank . Bradua originated in Cisalpina (northern Italy). His father, Marcus Atilius Postumus Bradua, served as a proconsul of the Asia Province under the Roman Emperor Domitian (81-96). According to his second nomen Metilius, suggest that his mother may have been a Metilia. If so, his uncle could be the governor Publius Metilius Nepos.

Probably due to his patrician rank, Bradua went from the quaestorship to praetorship. There is a possibility at some point he could have served as a military tribune. In 108, Bradua served as an ordinary consul with Appius Annius Trebonius Gallus. After his time as consul, he served as a Pontifex Maximus.

From probably at least 111 until 118, Bradua served as the governor of Britain. At an unknown date he served as governor of either Germania Inferior or Germania Superior. Either in the year 122 or 123, Bradua became Proconsul of the Africa Province. Sometime after his African Proconsulship, he may have accompanied on one of the Roman Emperor Hadrian's numerous journeys around the Roman Empire. Bradua outlived Hadrian’s reign and died at an unknown date during the reign of Roman Emperor Antoninus Pius (138-161).

