Martyrdom videos are video recordings, generally from Islamist jihadists who are about to take part in a suicide attack and expect to die during their intended actions. They typically include a statement by the person preparing to be a martyr for their cause. They can be of amateur or professional quality and often incorporate text, music, and sentimental clips. The people in these videos typically sit or stand in front of a black Islamic flag, in their explosive-rigged vehicles (in cases of ISIS, Al-Nusra Front, Imam Bukhari Jamaat, and other Islamist groups), by media (in case of ISIS showing two teen suicide bombers by Al-Jazeera in Afghanistan) or other symbol of their allegiance, and oftentimes, in the vehicle they are riding to launch suicide attacks (ISIL and Al-Nusra Front). Suicide bombers considered themselves religiously justified by sharia and consider themselves to be shahid.
Such videos are widely circulated for propaganda purposes following the event by the groups behind them. Martyrdom videos are psychological weapons as their primary purpose is to establish validity for their actions, inspire fear in enemies, or spread their ideology for political or religious ambitions.
Two large groups which dispatch martyrdom videos after operations are Hezbollah and (before it was destroyed) the Tamil Tigers. Martyrdom videos differ from other media used by terrorists like operational statements, topical and analytic statements, and inspirational texts.
Martyrdom videos base their product on the religious justifiability of their actions; namely suicide attacks or martyrdom operations. Verses from the Qur'an are regularly cited in martyrdom videos to provide religious justification. Suicide is condemned in Islam according to the Qur’an, whereas martyrdom is praised. Also, fellow Muslims are not to be attacked or they commit fitna.