Matches 'n Mates was an American syndicated game show created and produced by Nick Nicholson and E. Roger Muir that aired from 1967-1968, and was taped at both WJW-TV in Cleveland, Ohio and WAGA-TV in Atlanta, Georgia. It was a Nicholson-Muir Production in association with 20th Century Fox Television.
The show was hosted by Art James, with Dave Michaels and Bob McClain announcing.
Matches 'n Mates was a word game in which two Husband and Wife teams attempted to match questions to answers in order to reveal letters of a mystery word called the "Hidden Item".
One member of each couple, in turn, calls out a letter between "A" and "I" and an incomplete statement was read ("To paint a fence you would use..."). The other member called out one of twelve numbers, each representing a different answer. If the statement and answer matched, a letter or space was revealed on the nine-space Hidden Item Board. The first team to identify a Hidden Item won the round, and the first team to win three rounds won the game and a bonus prize.