The Meic Torcaill, also known as the Meic Turcaill, were a leading Norse-Gaelic family in mediaeval Dublin. The kindred produced several eminent men and kings of Dublin before the English conquest of the kingdom in 1170. Afterwards the family fell from prominence, losing possession of their extensive lands in the region. In time the Meic Torcaill lost precedence to other Dublin families, such as the Harolds and Archbolds.
The origins of the Meic Torcaill are uncertain. A possible family predecessor may have been a certain Torcall mac Éola, whose slaying in Wales in 1093 is recorded by the Annals of Inisfallen. A son of this man may have been the Torfind mac Torcaill whose death in 1124 is recorded by both the Annals of Ulster, and the Annals of Loch Cé. Torcall mac Éola may have also been related to a certain twelfth-century Manx bishop, "Hamondus filius Iole", recorded by the Chronicle of Mann.
Whatever their precise origins, the Meic Torcaill can certainly be traced back to an early twelfth century. The first member of the family is a certain Torcall, whose rise to power appears to have occurred by 1133, as evidenced by the Annals of Loch Cé, at about a time when Dublin was closely aligned with Diarmait Mac Murchada, King of Leinster (died 1171). The latter lost control of the Dublin in 1141, however, as the Annals of the Four Masters reveals that the town was seized and held by Conchobar Ua Briain, King of Munster (died 1142). Following Conchobar's ousting, the same source indicates that the Dubliner's installed a certain Islesman, Ottar mac meic Ottair (died 1148), as King of Dublin in 1142. The head of the Meic Torcaill during this period appears to have been Torcall's son, Ragnall (died 1146). The Annals of the Four Masters records that the son of an unnamed Meic Torcaill was slain in 1138, and it is possible that this man was in fact a son of Ragnall. If so, his death may well have weakened the family, and allowed the Meic Ottair to seize power.