Five methods of praying the rosary are presented within the works of Saint Louis de Montfort, a French Roman Catholic priest and writer of the early 18th century. Montfort was an early proponent of Mariology, and much of his work is devoted to the subjects of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the rosary. While the rosary contains a fixed set of prayers recited with the use of beads, Montfort proposed a number of methods to pray the rosary with more thorough devotion. Two of the methods are described in his book The Secret of the Rosary, in the fiftieth rose (chapter):
"In order to facilitate the exercise of the holy Rosary, here are several methods to recite it holily, with the meditation of the joyful, sorrowful and glorious mysteries of Jesus and Mary. You stop at that which is most to your liking: you can form yourself another particular method, as several saintly persons have done."
Three additional methods (i.e., five in total) are listed in the book God Alone, based on the collected writings of St. Louis.
St. Louis's first method does not change the Our Father or Hail Mary prayers within the rosary, but interleaves additional petitions or meditations as the rosary is being prayed. For instance, in the first method, St. Louis provides specific additional prayers at the beginning of each decade: he requests detachment from material items, as follows:
Moreover, he adds a specific prayer after each decade. The following prayers are for the joyous mysteries:
Similar, but distinct, petitions are provided for the sorrowful and glorious mysteries.
St. Louis Montfort's The Secret of the Rosary has the first and second methods. The first method is described above. In the second method a word or two is added to each Hail Mary of the decade. The third method combined elements of the first and second, and was made for the use of the Daughters of Wisdom. The fourth method incorporates a small reflection for each bead, usually associated with the mystery of the decade. The fifth method focuses its reflections on the rosary itself: its power, history, and prayers; in what manner it ought to be said (slowly and calmly, etc.); and objections towards praying the rosary to beware of, such as, "One can be saved without praying the rosary."