In mathematics the Montgomery curve is a form of elliptic curve, different from the usual Weierstrass form, introduced by Peter L. Montgomery in 1987. It is used for certain computations, and in particular in different cryptography applications.
A Montgomery curve over a field K is defined by the equation
for certain A, B ∈ K and with B(A2 − 4) ≠ 0.
Generally this curve is considered over a finite field K (for example, over a finite field of q elements, K = Fq) with characteristic different from 2 and with A ∈ K ∖ {−2, 2}, B ∈ K ∖ {0}, but they are also considered over the rationals with the same restrictions for A and B.
It is possible to do some "operations" between the points of an elliptic curve: "adding" two points consists of finding a third one such that ; "doubling" a point consists of computing (For more information about operations see The group law) and below.