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Moser's number

In mathematics, SteinhausMoser notation is a notation for expressing certain extremely large numbers. It is an extension of Steinhaus's polygon notation.

etc.: n written in an (m + 1)-sided polygon is equivalent with "the number n inside n nested m-sided polygons". In a series of nested polygons, they are associated inward. The number n inside two triangles is equivalent to nn inside one triangle, which is equivalent to nn raised to the power of nn.

Steinhaus only defined the triangle, the square, and a circle n in a circle, equivalent to the pentagon defined above.

Steinhaus defined:

Moser's number is the number represented by "2 in a megagon", where a megagon is a polygon with "mega" sides.

Alternative notations:

A mega, ②, is already a very large number, since ② = square(square(2)) = square(triangle(triangle(2))) = square(triangle(22)) = square(triangle(4)) = square(44) = square(256) = triangle(triangle(triangle(...triangle(256)...))) [256 triangles] = triangle(triangle(triangle(...triangle(256256)...))) [255 triangles] ~ triangle(triangle(triangle(...triangle(3.2 × 10616)...))) [254 triangles] = ...

Using the other notation:

mega = M(2,1,5) = M(256,256,3)

With the function we have mega = where the superscript denotes a functional power, not a numerical power.

