The Multi-cordoned Ware culture (Russian: Культура многоваликовой керамики; also known as Mnogovalikovaya (MVK), Multiple-Relief-band Ware culture, and Babyno culture) is an archaeological culture of the Middle Bronze Age (22nd – 18th centuries b.c.). Tribes of this culture inhabited an area stretching from the Don to Moldavia, including Dnieper Ukraine, Right-bank Ukraine, and part of the modern Ternopil oblast, and was bordered by the Volga to the east. The culture succeeded the western Catacomb culture.
It was overlain, assimilated, and eventually pushed out by the Timber grave culture (Srubnaya) (c. 2000 – 1800 b.c.) which resulted in migration of its bearers into the Balkans who advanced further to the south, to the territory of Greece. Leo Klejn identifies its bearers with the early Thracians. Others attach the culture to the Proto-Phrygians/Bryges and Proto-Armenians (Mushki).
The name of this culture is related to its ceramics decorated with multiple cordons, as well as rich and various ornaments. Tribes of this culture practiced herding. Chariots were widespread.
In 1929 Ya.Brik studied 4 kurgans of this culture in Podvolochisk district near Ostapye village. He found ceramics, flint tools, bone and bronze decorations. Bottoms, walls and ceilings of the graves are layered with rocks. Skeletons are laid in contracted position towards the east.
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