Nabagopal Mitra (Bengali: নবগোপাল মিত্র) (1840–1894) was an Indian playwright, poet, essayist, patriot and one of the founding fathers of Hindu nationalism. Along with Rishi Rajnarayan Basu he founded the Hindu Mela, the pioneer institution behind the genesis of Hindu nationalism. Mitra also founded National Press, National Paper, National Society, National School, National Theatre, National Store, National Gymnasium and National Circus, earning him the sobriquet 'National Mitra'.
Nabagopal Mitra was born into a Bengali Hindu Kayastha family residing at Shankar Ghosh Lane, near Cornwallis Street in Kolkata. The year of birth is disputed. While most historians agree that he was born in 1840, in some sources his year of birth is recorded as 1841. From his early days he was very close to the Tagore family. Satyendranath Tagore and Ganendranath Tagore were his classmates at the Hindu School. Gradually he became a close associate of Maharshi Debendranath Tagore, the leader of the Adi Brahmo Samaj and Tattwabodhini Sabha. Maharshi Debendranath was conservative in outlook in comparison to Keshab Chandra Sen's ultra-reformist stand. While Keshab Sen's philosophy was rooted in universalism, Maharshi Debedranath believed in reforms from a nationalist perspective. Nabagopal Mitra was heavily influenced by Maharshi Debendranath's thinking.
Nabagopal Mitra contended unity to be the fundamental criterion of nationalism and maintained that for the Hindus the basis of national unity has been the Hindu religion. He also attempted a definition of the Hindu nation. According to him, "Hindu nationality .. is not confined to Bengal. It embraces all of Hindu names and Hindu faiths throughout the length and breadth of Hindustan; neither geographical position nor the language is counted as a disability. Hindus are destined to be a religious nation."