Each country that is a signatory to the Antarctic Treaty establishes a National Antarctic Program, which has national responsibility for managing the support of scientific research; contribute to the governance and protect the environment of the Antarctic Treaty Area on behalf of its government and in the spirit of the Antarctic Treaty. Forming National Antarctic Programs after signing the treaty is not mandatory but all those countries which have permanent research stations in Antarctica or carry out scientific research otherwise, generally do so.
Till date 48 countries have signed the Antarctic Treaty which was drafted and negotiated back in 1959. Out of these, only 28 countries have the Consultative status i.e. these Parties have the right to participate in Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings (ATCM) and are accordingly known as Consultative Parties and their presence in Antarctica is shown by carrying substantial research there.
The National Antarctic Programs of these 28 countries are available in the following section all of whom have established either permanent or summer research stations in Antarctica. These countries are also members of COMNAP, the Council of Managers of National Antarctic Programs. The membership of COMNAP is open only to National Antarctic Programs from nations whose governments are signatories to the Antarctic Treaty and have ratified its .