National Church Life Survey Research is an Australian organisation that surveys Australian community attitudes and runs studies on churches in Australia every 5 years. NCLS Research has collaborated with the Christian Research Association and has conducted surveys on community values, well-being, and security.
Key supporters of the National Church Life Survey are:
Participating Denominations also support the NCLS, some by providing a regional survey coordinator.
Other Research & Mission Organisations also partner with the NCLS, including Openbook and Christian Blind Mission International.
The 2001 NCLS was conducted in international partnership with organisations from Australia, England, New Zealand and the United States
NCLS research describe themselves as "an immense cooperative research venture designed to resource congregations for mission" that explores "aspects of both church and community life"
The purpose of the National Church Life Survey project is to:
In January 2008, the Sydney Morning Herald reported research by the Christian Research Association and the NCLS into religious affiliation in rural areas. The article states that
The Wellbeing and Security Survey 2003 was conducted in co-operation with Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia and ANGLICARE (Sydney).
The National Church Life Survey 2001 was conducted in May 2001. The survey was completed by 435,000 church attendees from 7000+ Australian churches, across 19 denominations, representing 80%+ of Australian regular church-goers. NCLS Research claims that NCLS 2001 is one of the largest surveys of its kind in the world.
The NCLS First Look Report 2001 states:
In contrast, the AD2000 Journal article National Church Life Survey: church-going declines further summarises the research as follows:
Figures from the 2001 survey showed that Catholic mass attendance declined by an estimated 13% and overall weekly church attendance in Australia declined by 7%
Initial results from the 2011 survey show that six out of 10 adult church members are female. Four out of 10 are younger than 50 years of age. They are well-educated – a third have university degrees compared to just under a quarter of all working-age Australians. The average age is 55 years, pointing to a long-term ageing trend. Individually, church members are much more likely to be volunteers in their communities than the average Australian. The survey found that Christians go to churches for community, with 75per cent report a strong sense of belonging to their local church.