Nepalese tourism is growing because of attractions such as casinos, adventure sports like Everest skydiving and mountain biking in Nepal’s mountains, as well as international film and drama festivals. In October 2008, 50,567 tourists visited Nepal. Tourism Year 2011 has begun with a slogan “Together for Tourism.” This announcement anticipates at least one million international tourists in Nepal in the year 2011.
During the first meeting of the Constituent Assembly, on May 28, 2008, the nation decided to celebrate Tourism Year in 2011. It was proposed by Tourism Minister Mrs. Hishila Yami. Hence, Dr. Ram Baran Yadav, our national president, officially launched this government initiative at the Dasarath stadium in the capital amidst a grand celebration on 14 January 2011.
The major objectives for 2011 include:
Strategies prepared by the government to make the tourism year successful are:
Considering the magnitude of the campaign, the Government of Nepal formed the Main Organising Committee under the convenership of Hon’ble Minister for Tourism and Civil Aviation. The Committee consists of Vice Chairman of National Planning Commission as the Joint Convener and Secretaries of line Ministries; Chief of Metropolitan, Sub-Metropolitan cities and Municipalities; presidents of trade, travel trade and other related associations and institutions are nominated as Members. Chief Executive Officer of Nepal Tourism Board has been designated as the Member-Secretary of the Committee.
The government declared a holiday in academic institutions in the valley on 14 January 2011 to celebrate Nepal Tourism Year.
Thousands, including top officials attended the inauguration ceremony which began at 11:30 a.m. at the Dasharath Stadium on 14 January 2011. The official programme ended at 3 p.m.
According to Nepal Tourism Board, more than 20,000 guests and delegates graced the event that also marked an air show of motor paragliding by 21 pilots.