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Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera

Himno Nacional de Costa Rica
English: Costa Rican National Anthem
Coat of arms of Costa Rica.svg

National anthem of Costa Rica
Also known as Noble patria, tu hermosa bandera
English: Noble homeland, your beautiful flag
Lyrics José María Zeledón Brenes, 1900
Music Manuel María Gutiérrez
Adopted 1853
Relinquished Present
Music sample

"Himno Nacional de Costa Rica" (Spanish for "Costa Rican National Anthem") is the national anthem of Costa Rica. It was originally adopted in 1853, with the music composed by Manuel María Gutiérrez. Words by José María Zeledón Brenes were added in 1900.

In the original wording by Zeledon, the first stanza read:

'Costa Rica, tu hermosa bandera,
Expresión de tu vida nos da;
Bajo el manto azul de tu cielo,
Blanca y pura descansa la paz.

The final line says:

'¡Salve, oh patria!, tu pródigo suelo
dulce abrigo y sustento nos da;
bajo el límpido azul de tu cielo,
¡Vivan siempre el trabajo y la paz!...

This is not a direct translation but an adaption of the original text, the goal was to convey the message, the essence of the anthem, not to give a literal translation.

