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Nuphar japonica

Nuphar japonica
Nuphar subintegerrimum1.jpg
Nuphar japonica (syn. N. subintegerrimum)
Botanical Gardens Faculty of Science Osaka City University, Osaka, Japan
Scientific classification
Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Angiosperms
Order: Nymphaeales
Family: Nymphaeaceae
Genus: Nuphar
Section: Nuphar sect. Nuphar
Species: N. japonica
Binomial name
Nuphar japonica
DC., 1821
  • Nuphar japonicum
  • Nymphaea japonica (DC.) G.Lawson
  • Nymphaea japonica (DC.) Kuntze
  • Nuphar japonica f. rubrotincta (Casp.) Kitam.
  • Nuphar japonica subvar. flava Casp.
  • Nuphar japonica subvar. lutea Casp.
  • Nuphar japonica subvar. rubrotincta Casp.
  • Nuphar japonica var. crenata Casp.
  • Nuphar japonica var. rubrotincta (Casp.) Ohwi
  • Nuphar japonica var. stenophylla Miki
  • Nuphar japonica var. subintegerrima Casp.
  • Nuphar subintegerina Miki
  • Nuphar subintegerrima (Casp.) Makino
  • Nymphaea lutea Thunb., nom. illeg., non L.
  • Nymphozanthus japonicus (DC.) Fernald
  • Nymphozanthus subintegerrimus (Casp.) Fernald

Nuphar japonica, known as East Asian yellow water-lily, is an aquatic plant species in the genus Nuphar found in Japan and the Korean Peninsula. It is endangered in Russia. The species was not accepted by The Plant List as of November 2013, which regarded it as an "unresolved name".

Nuphar × saijoensis (Shimoda) Padgett is a hybrid between N. japonica and N. pumila.

N. japonica contains the alkaloids nupharidin, 1-desoxynupharidin, nupharamine, methyl and ethyl esters of nupharamine. The fruits also contains the alkaloids (0.06%) nupharine, beta-nupharidin, desoxynupharidin. In the rhizomes are found the steroid sitosterol, alkaloids acids, higher fatty acids (palmitic, oleic acid) and the ellagitanins nupharin A, B,C, D, E and F.

