The Office of Inspector General for the Department of Transportation (OIG) is one of the Inspector General offices created by the Inspector General Act of 1978. The Inspector General for the Department of Transportation, like the Inspectors General of other federal departments and agencies, is charged with monitoring and auditing department programs to combat waste, fraud, and .
The Inspector General is part of the U.S. Department of Transportation and assists Congress, the Secretary of Transportation, and senior department officials in achieving a safe, efficient, and effective transportation system that meets the national interests and enhances the quality of life.
Under the Inspector General Act of 1978, the Office of Inspector General is given autonomy to do its work without political interference. Although chosen by the President, Inspectors General are required to be selected based on integrity and ability, not political affiliation. The Inspector General Act of 1978 prevents officials in the scrutinized agency from interfering with audits or investigations and requires the IG to keep the Secretary of Transportation and Congress informed of findings, although much of OIG's work is accomplished with the cooperation of officials whose programs are being reviewed.
The OIG carries out its mission by issuing audit reports, evaluations, and management advisories with findings and recommendations to improve program delivery and performance. In fiscal year 2006, OIG issued 76 audit reports, which identified more than $893 million in financial recommendations.
As of 2006, the Inspector General was Calvin L. Scovel, III. Scovel was nominated by President Bush on July 13, 2006, confirmed by the United States Senate on September 29, 2006, and sworn in on October 27, 2006.