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Oinochoe by the Shuvalov Painter (Berlin F2414)

The Oinochoe by the Shuvalov Painter in the Antikensammlung at Berlin (inventory number F 2414) is one of the most famous erotic depictions from ancient Greek vase painting.

The rather small oinochoe was found in Locri in southern Italy. The clay jug is covered with a highly glossy black clay slip almost in its entirety, thus rendering the single small painted red-figure scene particularly striking. It is positioned on the upper part of the vessel's body, directly opposite the handle. The image depicts a young man and a girl or woman immediately before sexual intercourse. The youth of the man is clearly indicated by his long curls hanging by his temple and neck. He is seated, tightly squeezed into a leather chair. Additionally, his hands are holding on to the seat. His cloak has been pulled down, covering only his legs. His legs are pressed together and outstretched; his clearly visible erect penis shows that he is ready for union with the female. It seems clear that the initiative lies with the woman who is depicted totally nude with the exception of a broad hair band. She is holding on to the chair's backrest, her right leg is lifted up, indicating that as the next step she is about to sit on the man's lap. The fact that their gazes meet and their heads touch indicates a connection, even intimacy or tenderness, which may be somewhat unexpected in such a scene. The known norms and conventions of Athenian society suggest that she must be a common prostitute or, at best, a hetaera. An honourable Athenian citizen woman would never be depicted in such a fashion, further, she would not be permitted to take the initiative in a sexual relationship with a man. Thus, the scene ought to be set in a brothel, or, perhaps more likely, at a symposium. The tense posture and shy look of the young man have been suggested to imply that he is sexually inexperienced, perhaps even that the scene depicts his first introduction to heterosexual activity.

