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Open API

An Open API (often referred to as a Public API) is a publicly available application programming interface that provides developers with programmatic access to a proprietary software application. APIs are sets of requirements that govern how one application can communicate and interact with another. They also allow developers to access certain internal functions of a program. In the simplest terms, an API allows one piece of software to interact with another piece of software. They may be used by both developers inside the organisation that published the API or by any developers outside that organisation who wish to register for access to the interface.

Open APIs have three main characteristics:

A private API is an interface that opens parts of an organisation’s backend data and application functionality for use by developers working within (or contractors working for) that organization. Private APIs are only exposed to internal developers therefore the API publishers have total control over what and how applications are developed. Private APIs offer substantial benefits with regards to internal collaboration. Using a private API across an organisation allows for greater shared awareness of the internal data models. As the developers are working for (or contracted by) one organisation, communication will be more direct and therefore they should be able to work more cohesively as a group. Private APIs can significantly diminish the development time needed to manipulate and build internal systems that maximise productivity and create customer-facing applications that improve market reach and add value to existing offerings.

In contrast to a private API, an open API is publicly available for all developers to access. They allow developers, outside of an organisation's workforce, to access backend data that can then be used to enhance their own applications. Open APIs can significantly increase revenue without the business having to invest in hiring new developers making them a very profitable software application. However, it is important to remember that opening back end information to the public can create a range of security and management challenges. For example, publishing open APIs can make it harder for organisations to control the experience end users have with their information assets. Open API publishers cannot assume client apps built on their APIs will offer a good user experience. Furthermore, they cannot fully ensure that client apps maintain the look and feel of their corporate branding.

Open APIs can be used by businesses seeking to leverage the ever-growing community of freelancing developers who have the ability to create innovative applications that add value to their core business. Open APIs are favoured in the business sphere as they simultaneously increase the production of new ideas without investing directly in development efforts. Businesses often tailor their APIs to target specific developer audiences that they feel will be most effective in creating valuable new applications. However, an API can significantly diminish an application's functionality if it is overloaded with features.

