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Operation Nougat

Operation Nougat
Project Gnome nuclear explosion - salt dome cavity.jpg
Nougat Gnome salt dome cavity.
Country United States
Test site near Carlsbad, New Mexico; NTS Area 12, Rainier Mesa; NTS Area 15; NTS Area 16, Shoshone Mountain; NTS Area 18, Buckboard Mesa; NTS, Areas 1-4, 6-10, Yucca Flat
Period 1961-1962
Number of tests 44
Test type cratering, underground shaft, underground tunnel
Max. yield 67 kilotonnes of TNT (280 TJ)
Previous test series Operation Hardtack II
Next test series Operation Sunbeam

Operation Nougat was a series of 44 nuclear tests conducted (with one exception) at the Nevada Test Site in 1961 and 1962, immediately after the Soviet Union abrogated a testing moratorium, with the US' Mink test shot taking place the day before the Soviets test-detonated the Tsar Bomba. Most tests were limited-yield underground test shots. New designs would be further developed in atmospheric testing during Operation Dominic I and II.

Operation Dominic I and II would follow Operation Nougat, with some testing overlap. Operation Hardtack II preceded Nougat and the testing moratorium.

