Portsmouth postcode area | |
Postcode area | PO |
Postcode area name | Portsmouth |
Post towns | 24 |
Postcode districts | 34 |
Postcode sectors | 130 |
Postcodes (live) | 23,806 |
Postcodes (total) | 31,316 |
Statistics as at February 2012 |
Postcode district boundaries: Bing / Google
The PO postcode area, also known as the Portsmouth postcode area, is a group of postcode districts around Bembridge, Bognor Regis, Chichester, Cowes, East Cowes, Emsworth, Fareham, Freshwater, Gosport, Havant, Hayling Island, Lee-on-the-Solent, Newport, Portsmouth, Rowland's Castle, Ryde, Sandown, Seaview, Shanklin, Southsea, Totland Bay, Ventnor, Waterlooville and Yarmouth in England.
The approximate coverage of the postcode districts: