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Pacific Seabird Group

The Pacific Seabird Group (PSG) is an international professional ornithological society based in the U.S.A, dedicated to the study and conservation of Pacific seabirds and their environment. The objectives of the Pacific Seabird Group are exclusively scientific, educational, conservational, and nonprofit. In furtherance of these objectives, PSG’s principal activities are (1) to increase the amount and quality of scientific research on Pacific seabirds, (2) to educate PSG’s members and the general public of the ecology and importance of Pacific seabirds and their environment, (3) to disseminate publications and other information to accomplish this end, and (4) to advocate for the conservation of Pacific seabirds wherever they occur.focusing on the behavior, ecology, and conservation of seabirds.

It was founded in 1972, by William R.P. Bourne, Ph.D., James G. King, James C. Bartonek, as an association of professional seabird researchers and managers. It aims to increase the quality and quantity of seabird research by facilitating information exchange, to assess threats to seabird populations, and to provide government agencies and others with expert advice on managing them.

The Pacific Seabird Group is governed by an Executive Council, which includes a student representative, and representatives from Alaska/Russia, Washington/Oregon, Northern California, Southern California/Latin America/Hawaii, non-Pacific U.S. states, Canada, Asia/Oceania, and Europe/Africa. Membership on the Executive Council is decided by an annual election by the membership. Membership is open to "all persons interested in Pacific seabirds and/or their environment." There are Individual Members, Life Members, Honorary Members, Student Members, Corresponding Members, and Sponsored Members. Dues are paid annually.

The PSG is a member of the Ornithological Council, the World Seabird Union, and the American Bird Conservancy.

