Pandosia (Ancient Greek: Πανδοσία) was an ancient city of Bruttium (now Calabria), Italy. According to Livy it was situated near the border between Bruttium and Lucania (now Basilicata).Strabo writes it was located in Bruttium, a "little above" Consentia (modern Cosenza). The Barrington Atlas of the Greek and Roman World places the site of the city in the vicinity of Cosenza, but the village Acri has been suggested as a more precise location.
According to Strabo it was believed to have been the capital of the Oenotrian kings once. It seems to have certainly received a Greek colony later, as Scylax expressly enumerates it among the Greek cities of this part of Italy, and Scymnus Chius, though perhaps less distinctly, asserts the same thing. (Scyl. p. 4. § 12; Scymn. Ch. 326.) It was probably a colony of Crotona; though the statement of Eusebius, who represents it as founded in the same year with Metapontum, would lead us to regard it as an independent and separate colony. (Euseb. Arm. Chron. p. 99.) But the date assigned by him of 774 BCE seems certainly inadmissible. But whether originally an independent settlement or not, it must have been a dependency of Crotona during the period of greatness of that city, and hence we never find its name mentioned among the cities of Magna Graecia. Its only historical celebrity arises from its being the place near which Alexander, king of Epirus, was slain in the Battle of Pandosia by the Lucanians, 331 BCE. That monarch had been warned by an oracle to avoid Pandosia, but he understood this as referring to the town of that name in Thesprotia, on the banks of the Acheron, and was ignorant of the existence of both a town and river of the same names in Italy. (Strab. vi. p. 256 ; Livy viii. 24 ; Justin, xii. 2; Plin. iii. 11. s. 15.) The name of Pandosia is again mentioned by Livy (xxix. 38) in the Second Punic War, among the Bruttian towns retaken by the consul P. Sempronius, in 204 BCE; and it is there noticed, together with Consentia, as opposed to the ignobiles aliae civitates. It was therefore at this time still a place of some consequence; and Strabo seems to imply that it still existed in his time (Strab. l. c.), but we find no subsequent trace of it.