Paxus Calta, born Earl Schuyler ('Sky') Flansburgh, is an American political activist, communitarian and writer. He has been involved with the anti-nuclear movement and is a of member of the Twin Oaks Community.
Calta was born as Earl Schuyler Flansburgh, or "Sky" as a nickname, in 1957. Calta studied engineering and economics at Cornell University, where he served as a student member of the Board of Trustees and as a member of the Quill and Dagger society. Afterwards he worked as a software designer, helping to found and ultimately sell two software consulting firms. In 1982, he changed his name to Paxus Calta. In 1988, he hitchhiked on sailboats across the Pacific, settled briefly in Australia and then moved on to Hawai'i where he worked for Makai Ocean Engineering. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, Calta moved to the Netherlands and worked for The World Information Service on Energy (WISE) in Amsterdam.
Calta was invited by a Czech deep ecology organization, Hnutí DUHA, to run the international campaign against the Temelín Nuclear Power Station from Brno, Czechoslovakia in 1991, which remained his primary home base for most of the 1990s and from where he campaigned against nuclear power. During this time, he "moved up" in the Friends of the Earth hierarchy. In 1998, Calta moved to Twin Oaks Community, located in Virginia in the United States.
Calta is a proponent of polyamory and writes on the topic. In 2004, he wrote a chapter of the book The Impossible Will Take a Little While (compiled by Paul Rogat Loeb), in which he detailed a successful campaign launched by an 18-year-old to overthrow the Bulgarian government.