A paysite or pay site, in pornography jargon, is a website that charges money to become a member and view its content, and often produces original adult content. They can be contrasted with "free-sites", which do not charge a membership fee. Most paysites offer "free tours" which allow non-members to view a limited number of short trailers. The vast majority of paysite memberships are bought by men. Some of the earliest paysites began by scanning images from pornographic magazines. The number of sites then grew until the market was saturated, and now many thousands of sites cater to every legal pornographic niche.
Because there is free porn available on the Internet (e.g. thumbnail galleüry post (TGP) and streaming video sites, not to mention piracy), and some individuals cannot afford to or do not wish to purchase paysite memberships, some consumers of pornography view only free pornography. However, paysites are often one of the main originators of new content; they are one way an administrator can pay for the bandwidth costs and they are one of the most conspicuous ways in the industry to try to turn a profit. Theoretically, the more revenue a site takes in, the higher quality content it can produce.
Payment methods include credit card or checking account bbilling. Bills routinely appear on statements as transactions under the name of a billing entity with a neutral-sounding company name (ostensibly for discretionary reasons) and may not be readily recognized as paysite billing transactions upon casual perusal of bank statements.
Most paysites prevent unauthorized access to their members area by means of a username and password.
A problem that paysites have is copyright protection, even with well-secured sites: there are cases of so-called "site rips", i.e. sites are either hacked, or subscribers redistributed content from a members' area without authorization; there have thus been sightings of original content on other TGP sites or entire site rip archives on file s*haring networks. Some sites sell site rips of paysites. Administrators may try to counter these problems by employing digital rights management technologies.